Social contract and the meaning of murder
What does it mean to make memes about Brian Thompson’s murder? As America’s social contract falls apart, more than you’d think.
When Passing the Torch is a Dumpster Fire
This week’s thoughts on Gen Z, getting old, and gendered politics.
October Recap: State of Women
This newsletter we consider Trump/Harris, Gisele Pellicot’s mass rape trial, predatory hospitals and insurance companies in Massachusetts, and the state of women going into November.
What to do with childless cat ladies?
Cats are awesome. Childlessness makes sense in a world that hates children.
“The first time was a tragedy, the second time is a farce,” the third time is a sign of a clinical problem
Will the 2024 DNC be 1968? For Democrats to ditch Biden, they need a bold alternative.
American Democracy, Dirty hands, and potato salad
Mom Guilt: Summer Edition
When mom guilt meets capitalism, summer vacation gets fun!