Coercive Control and Violence Against Women
Elon Musk’s sweet Tweets, violence against women, and coercive control. What to expect in reproductive politics in the new year.
October Recap: State of Women
This newsletter we consider Trump/Harris, Gisele Pellicot’s mass rape trial, predatory hospitals and insurance companies in Massachusetts, and the state of women going into November.
A Tale of Two Studios: The Orange Years, the Dark Ages, and The Importance of Women in Leadership
Quiet on the Set revealed that Nickelodeon moved from The Orange Years to the Dark Ages. What it didn’t do is center the need for women in leadership.
Alabama, IVF, and Why i ran out of cuss words
The Alabama Supreme Court has just made embryos people. By following the scientifically and legally invalid framework of fetal personhood, the Cotton State is helping the Christian Right limit the reproductive rights of everyone in this country and are making it harder for families who want to have children to do so.