American Democracy, Dirty hands, and potato salad
Mom Guilt: Summer Edition
When mom guilt meets capitalism, summer vacation gets fun!
Maternity care deserts: politics, policy, and (Un)Wellness
Maternity Care Deserts are a public health problem compounded by bad policy.
Guns, Misogyny, and Maternal Mortality: State Sanctioned Violence Against Women
Maternal Mortality and the Data we don’t have
Medical Mistrust as a public health problem
This article tells the story of Astrid, one of the many “near misses” in the US maternal mortality crisis and explores how mistrust, fueled by childbirth experiences, could be contributing to the maternal mortality crisis.
The Streets aren’t paved with Cheese: Trump, Biden, and America
Less Pavement, More Cows: Notes from a town meeting (and why local politics stink)
Town hall meetings are bastions of local politics, but when personality conflicts get in the way of school budget debates, it’s our kids who pay the price.